Here we are with 4 days left in October. We didn't do anything fall or halloween themed this yr since we are staying with my inlaws during our move. We wanted to go to the pumpkin patch and pick a pumpkin to carve (like we do every yr), but with so much traveling it didn't happen. Since Big D left for Louisville in September we have travelled so much. By my calculations we have travelled about 4,000 miles since the middle of September! After tomorrow there will be no more traveling to Georgia though. The movers came today and packed up all of our stuff and hauled it away to storage. Nothing left to do but box up a few things and make sure our apartment is all spick and span before we turn in our keys tomorrow. Hopefully, our things won't be in storage long since we had our offer on a house accepted today. I've never seen the house (gasp). Big D picked it out all by himself!
So what's all this upheaval done to our schooling life? Well, it's pretty much turned it upside down. We started doing child led/unschooling bc our lives were so crazy. After about 2 weeks I realized that it was not working for us. Looking back I think that it may have added in more adjustments than the kids could handle. Their little lives have been flipped upside down and disrupted and school was the only constant. When I decided to do a more Unschool approach I took that from them. So after 2 weeks I went back to having set lessons and set times. I thought they would hate it, but just the other day Boog said "mom, I really like doing this can we do it everyday?". We still haven't put in a full week of school yet. My great aunt passed away on 16th of October so we left for North Carolina (a 6 hour drive from my inlays) to attend her funeral. Then this week we schooled Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Wednesday afternoon we hopped in the car so we would be here when the movers came today. Since we are done with Georgia after today I'm hoping November lends us a less demanding schedule and we can get back to a 5 day school week. Right now our school day looks like this:
7:30-8:30 wake up/get breakfast/watch curious george/get dressed
8:30-10:30ish start school we begin with phonics and language arts then move on to math (I have to add that Boog is now reading some. Just the other day he read the book title "the bird and the cat with a hat" (or something like that). Then yesterday I gave him a flag of Spain coloring sheet with the color names printed on it and he says "red, yellow, red. Mom I already know what colors this flag is supposed to be." I was so excited for him!)
10:30-1 the kids have outside play time and lunch
1-2:30ish science and history/geography
2:30-bedtime the kids play whatever they want and Boog finishes up any work he didn't get done earlier. For some weird reason he likes to have "homework" lol I think it's bc his cousin in 4k has a homework reading assignment every night.
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