Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 1 Wrap Up

This has been a really good first week of school. M started 1st grade.

This is what Goose does during most of our morning lessons.  

The kids took a liking to my camera and declared themselves photographers. I think I had over 100 pictures that they took. P took this one and I just love it. Oh, that's our school room they are in.

M liked taking pictures of things rather than people.

He did take a few self portraits.

Our neighbors grandson came over one evening and played with the kids. (Social Interaction!! lol)

P started preschool on Wednesday.  I think her and I are a lot alike. Right now it's better if she gets to go the preschool a few days a week.  She is really loving it. She has brought home lots of art projects already!

Another of P getting ready to go off to school.

P in front of her class. She is in the turtle class.

A friend of mine started up a geography class for homeschoolers 2x a month and we had our 1st class this week. The kids learned what a globe was, what a compass is and does, and made a suncatcher globe.

They are supposed to be learning the continents, but M found a spider. Of course spiders are much more interesting to little boys than continents.

Listening to a book about the world.

Goose found the leaves pretty interesting while the big kids had class.

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