Monday, October 1, 2012

October Week 1 Wrap Up


M worked on 2 sheets of math (Filling in numbers to 100 and less than/greater than), did a lab on snails, practiced writing his x's and w's,

P worked on writing the number 10 and counting to 10, practiced her French numbers, and practiced writing z's and picking out things that start with the y sound.

They both listened to the 1st chapter of The Wind Through the Willows, painted to classical music,played outside, and listened to a story about Confucius.


Is our day off. The kids painted, played outside, we went to the library, post office, and cleaned the house.


P went to preschool.

M worked through the 1st chapter of life of Fred apples, listened to more of the wind in the willows, learned about the mycenaeans, did some spelling, went over nouns, labeled the parts of a snail, And went over long vowel sounds.

Then we spent our afternoon at the county clerk office trying to get our car inspected.

P went to preschool.

M and I spent our morning going downtown to try and get my tags. We weren't able to get them (my husband had to be there and wasn't), but I think it was a learning experience for M.

Both kids spent the afternoon playing outside.

We spent our morning at the park. P was out of preschool and we had a playdate with one of her friends. In the afternoon we read more of the wind in the willows and I started history with them. During this time my husband and grandparents called. The children dispersed in multiple directions (bedrooms/outside) and I guess I didn't try to hard to get them back together.

I read more of Wind In The Willows to M before bed and more of Winnie The Pooh to P. They are really enjoying these books. It's been a while since they begged me to keep reading and ask me to read it multiple times a day.

1 comment:

  1. Can I come do school with you!? Painting to classical music sounds lovely.
