Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Earthschooling and a new home

We officially have 2 more days before we leave South Carolina and move to Kentucky. We closed on our house today!! I will spend the next 2 days packing up what I can to take with us. Mainly clothes, toys, and our cat, Gloria. While we have been here I have realized that 1) Boog takes things way above him and worries about it and 2) our current homeschool method wasn't working. We had started out our kindergarten year using k12, then switched to unschooling (which just didn't work for us), and then to child led learning. None of these things has fit us like we really wanted. Then I stumbled across charlotte mason and that led to woldorf. I think one of the big obstacles with our homeschooling is me! I don't mind admitting that I'm a pusher and sometimes I feel like Boog isn't trying hard enough. It's hard for me to remember that he is only 5 and all of this is new and abstract to him. So when a friend told me about earthschooling I checked it out. After reading tons about waldorf and so much on the bearth institute website I fell in love. So I made the plunge and paid the $85 for the kindergarten curriculum. I especially love how 1st grade doesn't start until 7. I *know* I've been way to pushy and need to let my children develop at their own pace. After really analyzing the first half of our kindergarten year I know that Boog really needs that extra year to be ready for first grade. Earthschooling allows us to do year round schooling. I plan to try this out for at least a month to find out if its a good fit with us. If it is a good fit then we will use it for the next year and a half until Boog turns 7. Theres plenty packed into the kindergarten curriculum for us to use it that long. I will also be able to use it with pork chop who turns 4 in January.

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